Literature Review: Effects of Financial Distress and Indications of Fraud Financial Statements on the Timeliness of Financial Reporting

  • Rahmat Eko Putranto Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Keywords: Financial Distress, Fraudulent Financial Statements, Timeliness, Financial Distress, Fraudulent Financial Statements, Timeliness


The importance of financial reports in showing the performance of company management often encourages management to present it as attractively as possible for users by manipulating the numbers in it. External parties are parties that will experience serious losses as a result of the fraudulent financial statements. For this reason, this research was made with the aim of knowing the effect of financial distress on fraudulent financial reporting and the timeliness of financial reporting. As well as to find out whether the timeliness of financial reporting can be an indication of fraud in financial reports. This research was compiled using the literature review method, with information taken from various scientific journals that are appropriate to the topic of this research, which were obtained from various academic databases. The results of the study reveal that financial distress has the potential to increase fraudulent financial reporting and delays in financial reporting, and the timeliness of financial reporting can be an indication of fraudulent financial reporting.


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How to Cite
Putranto, R. (2023). Literature Review: Effects of Financial Distress and Indications of Fraud Financial Statements on the Timeliness of Financial Reporting. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 9(10), 456-466.