Descriptive Study of Marketing Communication Strategies at Computer Stores in Karawang Dalam Increase Customers

  • Ferniko Fernandes Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Luluatu Nayiroh
  • Nur Kinan


The marketing communication strategy is one of the important things in
running a business, because the success of a business can be planned
fromthe marketing communication strategy. Researchers are interested
in conducting this research with the aim of knowing the marketing
communication strategy carried out by Store Mark Computer Karawang
in increasing customers. By using qualitative research with a
descriptive study approach, it is expected to be able to answer the
formulation of theresearch problem. With in-depth interview techniques,
observation and literature studies and documentation studies, this
research is expected to be able to answer questions regarding the
marketing communication strategy of the Mark Computer Store
Karawang. The determination of informants was carried out using an
urgent sampling technique.
The results of this study indicate that the Mark Computer Karawang
Store applies four of the six all elements contained in the Integrated
MarketingCommunication (IMC), including advertising using an offline
advertising system such as making billboards, brochures and banners,
Sales Promotion Promotion) is carried out by meeting face to face, so
that the staff can easily explain in detail about the product and then
follow up again via telephone or via WhatsApp social media so that it is
expected that all customers can understand the product well, internet
marketing (personal selling). ) Offers made with precise and clear
buyers, how to market them in a language that is easily understood by


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How to Cite
Fernandes, F., Nayiroh, L., & Kinan, N. (2023). Descriptive Study of Marketing Communication Strategies at Computer Stores in Karawang Dalam Increase Customers. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 9(10), 260-267.