Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Hubungan Kerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Divisi Produksi PT. Pupuk Kujang Cikampek

  • Fachren Fernanda Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang


Human Resources (HR) is the driving force and manager of the company's operational and management systems in achieving company goals, so HR performance greatly influences company performance and becomes an important indicator of achieving company goals. Understanding the importance of the role of HR, companies must be able to grow, encourage, and strive for HR to work efficiently and effectively, and produce work performance. Work performance is influenced by internal factors that exist in employees and external factors, including compensation and work relations. This study aims to analyze the effect of compensation and employment relations on the work performance of production division employees at PT. Fertilizer Kujang Cikampek. Researchers used a quantitative research method with a descriptive verification design. Research data collection was in the form of distributing questionnaires to 206 employees, as well as interviews and literature studies. Primary data was assessed for variable scores using a Likert Scale, then tested for validity and reliability, as well as the Classical Assumption test. Test the hypothesis using multiple linear regression analysis, T test and F test. The results show that Compensation has an influence on Work Relations, Compensation has an influence on Work Performance, Work Relations has an influence on Work Performance, and Compensation and Work Relations have a simultaneous influence on Work performance.


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How to Cite
Fernanda, F. (2023). Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Hubungan Kerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Divisi Produksi PT. Pupuk Kujang Cikampek. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 9(10), 240-249.