Personality Analysis of the Character Lucas Ford in the Novel in a Blue Moon By Ilana Tan: A Study of Literary Psychology

  • Raisyicha Mutik Sirait University of North Sumatra
Keywords: Main Character, Personality, Literary Psychology


This research specifically aims to describe the personality of the main character Lucas Ford in the novel In a Blue Moon by Ilana Tan. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. This type of research uses library, listening and note-taking techniques. His research is to examine the personality aspects of characters in literary works. This approach will provide an overview of the thought process experienced by the main character which is a form of the id, ego and superego personality aspects. The research results show that the personality of the main character in the novel In a Blue Moon by Ilana Tan includes the id, ego and superego.

How to Cite
Sirait, R. (2023). Personality Analysis of the Character Lucas Ford in the Novel in a Blue Moon By Ilana Tan: A Study of Literary Psychology. International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others, 6(3), 426-435.