Implementasi Pelaksanaan Kode Etik Guru Bimbingan Konseling Dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Belajar Siswa
This research aims to determine the development of students learning abilities through guidance and counseling. Writing uses the literature review method (library research), namely a writing method that is based on expert opinions and the results of previous research. Guidance and counseling in schools is very necessary and not only to overcome students' difficulties but also has the function of helping school leaders, teachers and parents get to know their students more deeply so that guidance and counseling is more systematic and of high quality because guidance and counseling also have a function. understanding, prevention, alleviation, maintenance and development. The function of a guidance and counseling teacher is: 1) Providing assistance to students to develop their potential optimally, 2) Having the function of understanding, preventing, eradicating, maintaining and developing the self of counselees (students) through various types of guidance and counseling support services and activities, 3 ) Providing assistance to parties who have an interest in the client's level of development and life (namely parents, educators or other educational personnel, and third parties) and 4) Planning function, for example helping students make difficult choices who are continuing their studies or careers right.
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