Social Media As A Cause of Divorce

(Case Study at the Religious Court of Ternate City)

  • Alfandi S. Stomer Nurul Hasan University of Bacan
  • Djestylona Kobu Kobu Nurul Hasan University of Bacan
  • Suwarjono Boturu Nurul Hasan University of Bacan
Keywords: Analysis, Social Media, Divorce


One of the factors behind the emergence of divorce lawsuits that is interesting to discuss in this writing is the factor of social media usage. Looking at previous cases, divorces are mostly dominated by economic factors and domestic violence. So it becomes a trend when social media becomes one of the causes of divorce. Much jealousy of infidelity begins on social media. The number of people uploading evidence from photos or statuses on social media is a driver of divorce. Looking at previous cases, divorces are mostly caused by economic factors. So it becomes a trend when social media becomes one of the causes of divorce. Much jealousy of infidelity begins on social media. The number of people uploading evidence from photos or statuses on social media is a driver of divorce. This arises because the husband or wife is considered to prefer being busy on social media rather than caring about the family. Not only that, infidelity is increasingly easy through social media. Quarrels due to playing with feelings can occur more often through the presence of intimate photo tags of a partner with someone else.

How to Cite
Stomer, A., Kobu, D., & Boturu, S. (2024). Social Media As A Cause of Divorce. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 10(20), 68-75.