Analisis Persepsi Pengguna TikTok Terhadap Konten Promosi Produk Kecantikan #racunskincare
Beauty product promotion content is content in the TikTok Application. This content contains various kinds of information about recommendations and interesting reviews of a beauty produk or skincare. This study uses Bernard Barelson’s theory of perception which consist of sensation, attention, and interpretation. The purposes of this study was to analysis how perseption of TikTok user about beauty product promotion content #racunskincare. This study uses a qualitative method and a descriptive approuch. Data collections was obtained through interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the perception generated by TikTok users regarding the promotional content for the beauty product #racunskincare, namely the promotional content for the beauty product #racunskincare, is content that can provide information and education in the field of skin care and products. This content is considered useful for those who are looking for information about beauty products.
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