Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inquari Terbimbing terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMA Negeri 3 Kota Ternate

  • Hasna Ahmad Universitas Khairun
  • Ilham Majid Universitas Khairun


Critical thinking is a reflective and reasonable thinking process that focuses on beliefs and actions that are carried out reliably. Thinking skills also allow students to analyze the meaning of the problems at hand, are able to plan solutions by considering various alternative solutions and are able to implement and complete the solutions that are considered the most appropriate. Critical thinking skills have an important role in improving human quality. Someone who has the ability to think critically can ask the right questions, find relevant information, be effective and efficient, be creative, have reasonable reasons, and have consistent and credible conclusions. Several research results prove that students' critical thinking skills are still low. The learning strategy that must be done by the teacher in improving students' critical thinking skills is to use cooperative learning. The model that is expected to empower students' critical thinking is guided inquiry learning. This research is a quasi-experimental research (quasi-experimental). Experimental research aims to determine the effect of the guided inquiry learning model on students' critical thinking skills at SMAN 3 Ternate City. The design used in this research is the Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The number of samples was 52 students, consisting of 26 high school students in class XIa and 26 students in class XIb. Furthermore, each sample class represents the guided inquiry learning model and conventional learning. Data analysis used analysis of covariance (ANACOVA) at a significance level of 0.5%. If the anacova result is significant, then it is continued with the BNT test. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion of this research, it can be said that the guided inquiry learning model has a significant effect on students' critical thinking skills and the test results prove that there are differences in students' critical thinking skills using the guided inquiry learning model. guided inquiry learning model with conventional learning.


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How to Cite
Ahmad, H., & Majid, I. (2022). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inquari Terbimbing terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMA Negeri 3 Kota Ternate. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 8(1), 728-733.