Perencanaan Stuktur Beton Berulang Tahan Gempa Pada Aprtemen 25 Lantai di The MAJ Residences Bekasi

  • Gumelar Syah Universitas Global Jakarta
  • Dedi Rutama Universitas Global Jakarta
  • Sumudi Kartono Universitas Global Jakarta


Seeing the rapid development in the City of Bekasi which has triggered economic growth and the construction of increasingly large residential areas, however, the area of the City of Bekasi is limited, it requires residential areas that are upward in the form of vertical housing such as flats and apartments. In addition to the effective use of land, the construction of vertical shelters must also be taken into account from the loads that occur on the structure. One of them is the calculation of earthquakes, because the country of Indonesia is classified as prone to geological disasters, especially earthquake disasters. The purpose of writing this Final Project is to design a 25-storey Apartment Building with a reinforced concrete structure whose loading is planned according to SNI 1727:2020 (Minimum Load for the Design of Buildings and Other Structures), SNI 1726:2019 (Procedures for Planning Earthquake Resistance for Building Structures) Buildings and Non-Buildings), and Reinforced Concrete SNI 2847:2019 (Structural concrete requirements for buildings and explanations), and The structural design of this 25-storey Apartment Building includes the design of this superstructure including columns, beams, and floor plates. For the loading that is reviewed for planning structural elements are dead loads, live loads, and earthquake loads. Structural calculations were carried out using the ETABS program

Author Biographies

Dedi Rutama, Universitas Global Jakarta

Dosen Teknik Sipil Universitas Global Jakarta

Sumudi Kartono, Universitas Global Jakarta

Dosen Teknik sipil Universitas Global Jakarta


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How to Cite
Syah, G., Rutama, D., & Kartono, S. (2023). Perencanaan Stuktur Beton Berulang Tahan Gempa Pada Aprtemen 25 Lantai di The MAJ Residences Bekasi. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 9(7), 183-193.