Enhancing Student’s Motivation Through Spada Moodle E-Learning

  • Azizah Husda Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Yola Asmoro Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Meilan Simanullang Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Nur Lestari Br. Situngkir Universitas Prima Indonesia


This research is intended for English language education students who are doing bold learning during the covid-19 pandemic. Learning that should be done face-to-face must now be oriented to distance learning. Circumstances that require students to use internet network technology, namely the use of SPADA MOODLE E-learning, SPADA MOODLE E-learning is a site that has been provided for students to take bold learning. In this study, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative method by distributing a questionnaire in the form of a google form to make it more accessible to students. This study aims to determine student motivation in participating in bold learning during the covid-19 pandemic. This research is expected to provide evaluations from various organizers who are brave in higher education, especially those involving increasing the learning motivation of English education students.


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How to Cite
Husda, A., Asmoro, Y., Simanullang, M., & Br. Situngkir, N. (2022). Enhancing Student’s Motivation Through Spada Moodle E-Learning. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 8(3), 201-208. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6350781