Perancangan Safety Signs Menggunakan Safety Signs Assessement dan Pendekatan Quality Function Deployment untuk Mengendalikan Risiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di PT.XYZ

  • Shakila Hamidi Universitas Telkom
  • Heriyono Lalu Universitas Telkom
  • Sheila Amalia Salma Universitas Telkom


PT XYZ is a company engaged in the furniture industry where this company
processes raw materials into furniture products that have added value and
have benefits from before. In its operational activities, the company still has
not implemented a good occupational health and safety system because of the
many risks that must be faced by workers. This can be seen from the number
of hazard events found during the production process. Based on the results
of field observations, there are 9 hazard events where these incidents must be
minimized in order to reduce the number of work accidents. Risk control is
one of the first steps used in minimizing the occurrence of hazards by
analyzing the risk control hierarchy. Analysis of the Risk Control Hierarchy
is a form of process in analyzing the proposed K3 control in every event that
occurs. The results of the risk control hierarchy analysis are suggestions for
each hazard event that have been adjusted to the level of the risk control
hierarchy. Of all the potential proposals given, some can be forwarded to the
design in the form of providing safety signs in 2 hazard areas, namely the
forklift area, slippery work area and smoke-free area. Before designing a
safety sign, it is necessary to first evaluate the safety sign. Assessment of
safety signs is an activity to assess the conditions or conditions of the field
where safety signs will be installed to be able to find out the requirements or
criteria for appropriate safety signs in the hazard area. And from this process
it can be known about the installation location of safety signs, Signal Words
to be used, height, model, minimum reading distance and materials used in
the design of safety signs. The data used is anthropometric data that has been
filtered according to the criteria of users who will read Safety Signs. After
evaluating the safety sign, the next step is to make a design using the Quality
Function Deployment approach. QFD is a solution to design or develop a
product in a structured manner by determining in advance the needs or
desires of the target consumer in advance so that they are able to take into
account systematically. In designing QFD there are 11 stages to be carried
out. The results of the QFD are the final specifications that become the
reference in designing safety signs. have carried out a safety sign assessment
and Quality Function Deployment, the next step is to design a Safety sign that
refers to the ANSI Z535.4 standard. The results of the design are in the form
of a safety sign design that will be placed in the forklift area and a safety sign
design that will be placed in a slippery area.


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How to Cite
Hamidi, S., Lalu, H., & Salma, S. (2022). Perancangan Safety Signs Menggunakan Safety Signs Assessement dan Pendekatan Quality Function Deployment untuk Mengendalikan Risiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di PT.XYZ. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 8(17), 449-464.