The Role of Price and Quality in Skincare Sunscreen Products in Shaping Consumer Preferences

  • Kayla Tsabita Aqila Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Ajat Sudrajat Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Keywords: Product Price, Product Quality, Consumer Preferences


The research aims to see how the role of product price and sunscreen product quality influences consumer preferences. This research is quantitative. The simple random sampling method was used to collect samples, namely 100 respondents in this study. To analyze the data, multiple linear regression analysis was used along with the t- and f test. Test results show that price does not influence consumer preferences for sunscreen products, while quality influences consumer preferences for sunscreen products. The calculation process was carried out using SPSS 25.

How to Cite
Aqila, K., & Sudrajat, A. (2025). The Role of Price and Quality in Skincare Sunscreen Products in Shaping Consumer Preferences. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 11(1.C), 81-89. Retrieved from

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