NVIDIA Graphics Card Price Prediction Based On The Effect Of Cryptocurrency Price Using Support Vector Regression

  • Mohammad Nurfaizy Pangestu Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Mohamad Jajuli Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Ultach Enri Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Keywords: Cryptocurrency, Graphics Card, SVR


The growing popularity of cryptocurrencies has caused the market demand for graphics cards to reach unusual heights for their efficient cryptomining capabilities. Graphics cards are not only used for crypto mining but also video editing, video streaming, and video games, this causes an unavailability of graphics card supply due to high demand, especially for cryptomining needs and leads to unusual prices increases which makes it difficult for graphics card consumers and miners to buy graphics cards at normal price. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the price of NVIDIA graphics cards based on the influence of cryptocurrency prices. The methodology used is KDD, and the algorithm used to make predictions is SVR because its ability to overcome the overfitting problem so it can produce more accurate predictions, besides that in this study the grid search algorithm is applied to determine optimal parameters. In this study, 6 graphics cards and 2 cryptocurrencies were used which produced the 6 best prediction models which were chosen based on the RMSE value. GTX 1050 has RMSE value of 0.2028, GTX 1050 Ti has RMSE value of 0.14564, GTX 1060 has an RMSE value of 0.07629, while in the RTX 30 series, RTX 3070 has an RMSE value of 0.03178, RTX 3080 has RMSE value of 0.0388, and RTX 3090 has RMSE of 0.06259. From these results, it can be stated that RTX 30 series has better accuracy than GTX 10 series in making predictions. RBF is better than linear which only excels on the GTX 1060.


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How to Cite
Pangestu, M., Jajuli, M., & Enri, U. (2022). NVIDIA Graphics Card Price Prediction Based On The Effect Of Cryptocurrency Price Using Support Vector Regression. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 8(17), 280-287. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7076540